Urlike Draesner (Germany)


Urlike Draesner (Germany)


              translated by Iain Galbraith

              poem, unfinished, final version

do you know what it's like when you

go into a spin (the falling leaves) he asks

with gentle polish calm: wulkan.

the lay of the edges the porcelain

all the things in the house he said

put them in mind of their own needs: photos

of christenings, initials on linen

the plumped eiderdowns the blue

dream of a dresser with prancing

peacock the wine from the wedding year -

theirs that is, still warm their german lips

on the glasses by the sink. we were ashamed

not of taking but of looking

that is how we arrived.

wulkan. ancient figure for life.

the human piling up in layers

knotted utterly gray prolific

and hot, hardened - sitting on packed bags

in new homes for 30 years: fleeing

to what others have fled. they sawed up

the bed the others for fuel the only

salvaged sack the wooden leg

of a dead brother, i can see

their hands, grandma, granddad, father,

their nails, they had not lost

everything had kept almost all

their body parts kept something

of the soul - perhaps

some of us lie down and make love

on european grass, a tower rises

it is only of iron and reconstructed

which is normal, a tram

passes and the heart, wulkan

beats its hooves softly against the walls

in a bygone polish


sly slink

sly slink to the shelves: the way you remove

an old book and read till the dawn's first

talon turns as rosy as sludge from a lung

a raid on the heavens, hazy - the old minnesong

ruffling a sky that's decked with plume strokes

of heron crane, ornate enlightened november

put on wrist warmers, finger-play for a twilight

on the window sill a pair of wasps, she plump

he slight strapped to her back, fucking they are

which lasting long's a thousand wasps, stings

in the coming year. quick, you too hear

the tumult in your breast (maids ladies brain

skein) the way that shape flies up at the

camera's click, it's undivided still, abuzz!

for a moment you ponder the yellow leaf the

red leaf their slinking quiver the sun's

short stab, sailing falling coming cold




















                                                     Translation by Mariko Sumikura


as a haughty horse (and foreign tongue) swaying

and stiff regrettably not in the taxi but in my house

now ingressed it was other women my husband

undressed. the room encrusted with fibrous walls so

you couldn't walk you had to fly the others

(in flight) had him fused to the telephone when

i in the darkness of this all-out scrabble became

the prince who endured no gaze, panoplied in a fuck-

spotted pony's coat. i'll show you, my husband said, the

variety of your own inward pitfalls hyperreal you are

the wall the armchair the snake and too true

the way your little soul palish yet again, maggoty-girlish

follows its own big swollen eyes across the flokati

are you seriously trying to force it? i thought of

the old mole-game, one of us bashing down the dark hills

the other controlling the computer dvd. it was about

a blind thing forced back into its hole that practically

suffocates but still tenderly rowing tries to crawl

right around the earth.



悲しいかな タクシーでなく わたしの家の中 骨がおれる

いま入り込んでいるのは 他のおんなで わたしの夫は裸だった

部屋はクロス張りで 外皮をつっぱってあるので

あなたは歩けなかった だから(飛行機で)あなたは電話をかけ彼と


真っ暗闇のなかでわたし かき回す。




おまえを超現実へ落とした 自身の内部のさまざまなものは

壁であり カウチであり 蛇で 余りにも真実だ






古いモグラ叩き遊び、わたしたちが 暗い丘を 下へ打つ

コンピューター DVDをコントロールするもうひとつのものは


窒息する、しかしまだゆっくりと漕ぎ 徐行を試みる

正確に 地球のまわりを

                                                すみくらまりこ 訳

Japanese translation by Mariko Sumikura

Ulrike Draesner was born in Munich in 1963. She studied Law, English, and Philosophy, and taught at the German Philology Institute in Munich. She has published widely in newspapers and magazines and has also worked for radio. Draesner's first volume of verse, »gedächtnisschleifen« (1995; t: memoryloops), already demonstrates her characteristic linguistic precision, which consciously disorients the reader. Montage and collage are the techniques of choice in her prose work. Her most recent book is the novel »Spiele« (2004; t: Games). The author has received numerous grants and awards. She lives and writes in Berlin.



Mariko Sumikura (Japan)

Poet, essayist, translator. Born in Kyoto (1952), Graduated from Ristumeikan University. Representative of Japan Universal Poets Association, Chief-in-editors of online international journal "Poetic-Bridge: Ama-Hashi".

Main publication: "Kokoro Kaoru Hito"," Yume Tsumugu Hito"," Hikari Oru Hito", "Ai Matou Hito"," Tsuchi daku Masurao".(Chikurinkan) She was invited to several international poetry readings such as the 49th Struga Poetry Readings in 2011, Jan Smrek International Literary Festival in 2012. "Europa in Versi"(Como, Italy) in 2015. Mihai Eminesuc International Poetry Festival (Craiova, Romania) in 2015.

Translation: Contemporary Poetry in-out of Japan, JUNPA BOOKS Series,

Award: "Mina wo Tonaete" ("Uttering Her Name" by Gabriel Rosenstock) won the Translated Irish Literature Award by Ireland Literature Exchange in 2012. The first prize at the festival Pannonian Galeb festival for poetry book translated in Serbian in 2017. Milos Crnjanski Prize in International Literature Festival-Wien 2017, Naji Naaman Literary Prize (Honour) 2018


詩人、エッセイスト、翻訳家。1952年京都生れ。立命館大学文学部卒業。日本国際詩人協会代表。国際詩誌「詩の架け橋:天橋」編集主幹。翻訳: 国内外の現代詩人作品を翻訳。JUNPA BOOKS シリーズを手がける。『御名を唱えて』(原著 Gabriel Rosenstockの"Uttering Her Name")は2012年アイルランド文学交流協会より翻訳出版賞を受賞。『弾丸シュート』(原著Odveig Klyve の"Bullistic"は2019年ノルウェー文学普及協会(NORLA)より翻訳助成を下付される。

主な著書:『心薫る女』『夢紡ぐ女』『光織る女』『愛装ふ女』『地抱く男』(いずれも竹林館)2010年第49回ストルーガ詩祭(ストルーガ、マケドニア)、2011年ヤン・スムレク国際文学祭(ブラティスラヴァ。スロバキア)、2015年コモ詩祭―Europa in Versi―(コモ、イタリア)、2015年ミハイ・エミネスク国際詩祭(クラヨバ、ルーマニア)、2019年プリマ・ヴィスタ国際文学祭(エストニア)に招待参加。
