Milutin Djurickovic(Serbia)
日英バイリンガル短編集「そのふたごはどのようにして大人になったか?」 子供のための短編集ミルチン・ジュリコビッチ著 会津太郎 訳
"How the twins grew up" A collection of short stories for children
Milutin Djurickovic Translation by Taro Aizu
目 次
1 ぼくたちの誕生
2 幼稚園の入園式
Translation by Taro Aizu
Milutin Djurickovic was born on 1967 in Dečanе. He earned his doctorate at the Faculty of Philosophy in East Sarajevo. He works as a professor at the College of Professional Studies for Educators in Aleksinac.
A collaborator of many newspapers and magazines. Represented in 40 anthologies of poetry and stories for children and adults. His poems were composed and individually translated into 20 languages.
Member of the Serbian Royal Academy, World Union of Poets, Association of Writers of Serbia and the Association of Journalists of Serbia.
He published 55 books for children and adults (poems, novel, story, critic, monography, anthology...).
Hе lives in Belgrade.
Taro Aizu was born in the Aizu region of Fukushima prefecture, Japan in 1954. He lives in Kanagawa near Tokyo now. He has been writing haiku for 20 years, gogyoshi for 12 years in Japanese, and both for 5 years in English and French.
He wrote "My hometown, Fukushima" in English, French and Japanese in 2012. "My hometown, Fukushima" was translated into 20 languages all over the world. His collaboration exhibitions has been held in Holland, Brazil, Germany, Portugal, Spain, France, Greece, Macedonia, Belgium, UK, Korea since 2012.