John W. Sexton (Ireland)
Western-Eastern Poets in Sympathy: Poetic Dialogue "Duet of Butterflies" John W. Sexton & Maki Starfield
Duet of Butterflies 蝶の二重奏
My Secret Witch
Her grey hair glitters under the moonlight
as she flies above the sea. Whales' fisted heads
part the waves below her. Storms fester
on the tip of her tongue. She seeds the air
with her presence and men turn in their sleep.
She is the nightmare of every child.
Women fear her for they fear they're her.
They're right to think that way. The woman
who falls asleep beside you is part of her dream.
She dreams that she flies above the earth, made
from the dreams of every woman who sleeps.
Sometimes she awakens in a strange place.
A frying pan is in her hand, egg
and sausages sizzling in fat. A child
is screaming in its cot and her husband
is shouting for no reason. Then she's
asleep again, storms festering on her tongue,
the nightmare of every child, every man's
suspicion of who his wife might be.
I know she is there, see her in the shot
of grey of my lover's hair. Await
the day when she stands before me in all
her magnificence, withers me with a single word,
and catching me by the ear
carries me high above the earth.
John W. Sexton
Translation by Maki Starfield
John W. Sexton was born in 1958 and lives on the south west coast of the Republic of Ireland. He is the author of six poetry collections, the most recent of which is Futures Pass (Salmon Poetry 2018). His previous collections are: The Prince's Brief Career, (Cairn Mountain Press, 1995), Shadows Bloom / Scáthanna Faoi Bhláth, a book of haiku with translations into Irish by Gabriel Rosenstock (Doghouse, 2004), Vortex (Doghouse, 2005), and Petit Mal (Revival Press 2009). A chapbook of his surrealist poetry, Inverted Night, is forthcoming from SurVision Books in 2019.
He also created and wrote the children's science fiction comedy-drama, The Ivory Tower, for RTE Radio 1, which ran to over one hundred half-hour episodes. His novels based on this series, The Johnny Coffin Diaries and Johnny Coffin School-Dazed are both published by The O'Brien Press and have been translated into Italian and Serbian.
Under the ironic pseudonym of Sex W. Johnston he has recorded an album with legendary Stranglers frontman, Hugh Cornwell, entitled Sons of Shiva, which has been released on Track Records.
He is a past nominee for The Hennessy Literary Award and his poem 'The Green Owl' won the Listowel Poetry Prize 2007. Also in 2007 he was awarded a Patrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship in Poetry. His poem "In and Out of Their Heads", from The Offspring of the Moon, was selected for The Forward Book of Poetry 2014. His poem "The Snails" was shortlisted for the 2018 An Post / Listowel Writers' Week Poem of the Year Award.
His page at Salmon Poetry is here:
ジョン・W・セクストンは1958年に生まれ、現在アイルランド共和国の南西海岸に在住。6冊の出版物のなかで、最新作はFutures Pass (Salmon Poetry 2018)である。以前の作品に、The Prince's Brief Career(Cairn Mountain Press, 1995)、Shadows Bloom/ScáthannaFaoiBhláthガブリエル・ローゼンストック氏によるアイルランド語翻訳の俳句集(Doghouse, 2004)、Vortex(Doghouse、2005)Petit Mal (Revival Press 2009)がある。超現実主義的な詩集Inverted Nightは、2019年にSurVision Books社から発売される予定である。
彼はまた、100時間半のエピソードに及ぶRTEラジオ1のために子供向けSF小説コメディードラマ「アイボリータワー」を制作し、書き下ろした。このシリーズをもとに書かれた Johnny Coffin DiariesとJohnny Coffin School-Dazedは、O'Brien Press社によって出版され、イタリア語とセルビア語に翻訳されている。セックスW. ジョンストンの皮肉なペンネームで、伝説のザ・ストラングラーズで前座を務めていた、ヒュー・コーンウェル氏とアルバム『Sons of Shiva』を録音し、トラックレコード社よりリリースされている。
彼はThe Hennessy Literary Awardにノミネートされたことがあり、The Green OwlはListowel Poetry Prize 2007の受賞作品である2007年にPatrick and Katherine Kavanagh Fellowship of Poetryでも受賞された。The Offspring of the Moonからの詩In and Out of Their HeadsはThe Forward Book of Poetry 2014に選ばれた。2018年、The Snailsは、An Post / Listowel Writers' Week Poem of the Year Awardの最終候補作品となった。
Maki Starfield
Born in Ehime, 1972. She earned her Master of Arts from Sophia University, and then got the diploma of International business management (post graduate)with Honors from Niagara College and the certificate of TESOL from St. George International College in Canada. She has also translated several English works into Japanese, from Gabriel Rosenstock to Bill Wolak. She also has published in haiku magazines and her bilingual books like Duet of Fireflies.
Translation: The World Haiku Associates magazines, JUNPA magazine, Duet of Dots(Naran Matos) in 2015, Duet of Lines (Luca Benassi) in 2016, The Lemon Cries (Gabriel Rosenstock) in 2016, City Times(Vihan A. Nail) in 2016, His Discarded Bride(Melita Joy) in 2016, Trio of Crystals(Hélène Cardona and John FitzGerald ) in 2017, Trio of Gardens(Lidia Chiarelli and Huguette Bertrand) Duet of Fireflies (Bill Wolak) , Duet of Doors(Yesim Agaoglu) , Duet of Mists(Dileep Jhaveri), Trio of Jade(Xiao Xiao, Dumu Luofei) , Duet of Wings (Willem M. Roggeman), Duet of Islands (Sarah Thilykou), Duet of Faces(Yiorgos Veis), Trio of Windows (Adjei Agyei-Baah), Duet of Enlightenment (Konstantinos Bouras) in 2018, Duet of Pleiades (Paddy Bushe), Quartet of Rose Madder (Yao Yuan, Yu Xiu, Chaung, Yu-Hui), and Duet of Circles (Statis Gourgouris) in 2019 Duet of Butterflies (John W. Sexton) in 2019, Duet of Forms (K.Satchidanandan). Duet of Lakes (Eileen Sheehan) in 2020. .
上智大学大学院英米文学修士課程卒業およびカナダのナイアガラ大学国際ビジネス科大学院コース修了。2012年夏にはカナダのSt. George International CollegeでTESOLを取得。最近は翻訳も行い、ガブリエル・ローゼンストック・ビル・ウォラックなどの作品を訳している。また俳句雑誌に数々の作品を発表、『ワンネス 』(2019年)『薔薇の花束 』(2020年)を含む句詩集等も出版している。
翻訳:2015年『点の二重奏』(ナーラン・マトス)。2016年『線の二重奏』(ルカ・ベナッシ)、2016年『レモンの叫び』(ガブリエル・ローゼンストック)、2016年『シティータイムズ』(ヴィハン・A・ナッキ)、2016年『裏切られた花嫁』(メリタ・ジョイ)、2017年(ヘレン・カルドナ、ジョン・フィッツジェラルド)、2018年『庭の三重奏』(リディア・キアレッリ、イゲット・ベルトランド)、『蛍の二重奏』(ビル・ウォラック)、『扉の二重奏』(イェシム・アガオル)、『霧の二重奏』(ディリープ・ジャヴェリ)、『翠の三重奏』(潇潇、度母洛妃)、『翼の二重奏』(ウィレム・M.ロッジマン)、『島の二重奏』(サラ・ティリコウ)、『面の二重奏』(ヨルゴス・ヴェイス)、『窓の三重奏』(アジェイ・アギイーバー)、『閃の二重奏』(コンスタンチノス・ブラス)、2019年『昴の二重奏』(パディ・ブーシェ)、『茜の四重奏』(姚园 、宇秀、莊雲惠)、『環の二重奏』(スタティス・グルグリス)、『蝶の二重奏』(ジョン・W・セックストン)、2020年『形の二重奏』(K・サチダナンダン)、『湖の二重奏』(アイリーン・シーハン)を出版した。