Vyacheslav Kupriyanov (Russia)
Western-Eastern Poets in Sympathy: Poetic Dialogue "Duet of Iron" Vyacheslav Kupriyanov & Yoshikazu Takenishi
Duet of Iron 鉄の二重奏
Vyacheslav Kupriyanov
For my wife Natalia Rumarchuk
When my ship moors at the shore,
a poem will come ashore with me,
To which before only the sea was listening,
as it was competing with the call of the sirens.
It will have only soft vowel sounds,
That sound like this in pale translation
From the language of roaming to the language of mooring:
I love you with the hoarse cry of the seagulls,
With the scream of the eagles, flying toward the scent of Prometheus' liver,
With a thousand year silence of the sea turtle,
With a click of the cachalot that wants to be a roar,
With a pantomime, executed by the tentacles of the octopus,
Before which all seaweeds stand on end.
I love you with all my body coming from the sea,
With all its rivers, tributaries of the Amazon and the Mississippi,
With all the deserts, considering themselves seas,
You hear their sand sift through my desiccated throat.
I love you with all my heart, lungs and the medulla,
I love you with the earth's crust and the star-studded sky,
With the fall of the waterfalls and conjugation of verbs,
I love you with the invasion of Europe by the Huns,
With the One-Hundred year war and the Mongolian Horde,
With the uprising of Sparta and the Big migration of people,
With Alexander's column and the Tower of Pisa,
With the speed of the Gulf Stream to warm the North Pole.
I love you with the letter of the law of gravity
And the sentence of the death penalty,
To the death penalty through the eternal fall
Into your bottomless Bermuda triangle.
Translated by Dasha C. Nisula
おまえを愛している 鴎のしゃがれ声で
おまえを愛している 海からきたおれの体の全てで
おまえを愛している おれの心の全てで、肺で骨髄で
おまえを愛している 地球の地殻で 星で飾られた空で
滝のたぎりで 動詞の接続で
おまえを愛している フン族によるヨーロッパ侵入で
おまえを愛している 永遠が引力で落下するあいだ
Translation by Mariko Sumikura
Reading by the author is here.
Kupriyanov, Vyacheslav(Russia)
Vyacheslav Glebovich Kupriyanov was born in Novosibirsk in 1939. His first published works were translations of poetry from German (Hölderlin, Novalis, R.M.Rilke, Hoffmannstal, B.Brecht, G.Grass, Enzensberger, Hans Arp, Erich Fried) and English (Walt Whitman, Carl Sandburg). Kupriyanov studied technical sciences in the High Navy School in Leningrad (1958 - 1960), and graduated in 1967 from the Moscow Foreign Language Institute (now Linguistic University), section of mathematical linguistics and German (1967). He is a freelance writer, a member of the Moscow Writers Union, and a member of the Serbian Writers Union.
His published works include:
Poetry: "First person", 1981 (Moscow), "Life goes on", 1982 (first free-verse poetry published in Russia after the Second World War); "Homework", 1986; "Echo", 1988, 1989; "Poems", 1994; "The Best Time", 2003, "Ode to time", 2010.
Prose: "Yours Beastly Majesty" (Novel), 2006; "The shoe of Empedokles" (Novel), 1996, 2000, 2013 (Moscow), and short stories (including science-fiction) published in various magazines.
His translated works include:
In English: "In Anyone's Tongue" (London & Boston: Forest Books, 1992)(dual text, Russian and English).
In German: "Moist manuscript" ("Das feuchte Manuskript", Roman), 1991, Alkyon Verlag, "Der Schuh des Empedokles", 1994, 1999; Poetry: "Sober echo", 1986, (LCB-Edition); "Challenge to flight", 1990; "How to become a giraffe"; 1991, 1999; "Monument to the Unknown Coward", (Delp Verlag, 1990); "Eisenzeitlupe", 1996, (awarded first place prize in Südwestfunk-Bestenliste, 1997); »Short Stories of Eurasia«, Alkyon Verlag, 2001, "Mitlesebuch 96", Aphaia-Verlag, 2006, 2012; "The dancing Baer", 2010; "Нельзя/Verboten (Verbidden"), poetry, Russian/German, Pop-Verlag, Ludwigsburg, 2012; "Wilder Westen", Poetry, Pop-Verlag, Ludwigsburg, 2013. "Hard Rock", Poetry, Russian-German, Pop-Verlag, Ludwigsburg, 2014
In Bulgarian: "Unknown Wonder", 1987; "The Oase of Time", 2000.
In Polish: "The Circle of life", 1986.
In Serbian: "Singing lesson", 1987; "Report on an angel" (awarded Library of European Literature Prize, 1988). "The Heaven of earth", "Branko-Radicevic-Prize" - 2006; "Ode to time", 2009; "SONG OF THE WOLF", 2017 (awarded Library of European Atlas of Lyrik", foreword by Feona Sampson):
In Dutch: "The feelers of earth", Leiden, 1988. In Tamil (Sri Lanka): "Modern poems", Colombo, 1988.
In Macedonian: "Singing and thinking lessons", Struga, 1999.
In Indien: "Creativity", poetry, Bengali, Calcutta, 2015;
In Brasilien, "Luminiscencia", Russian - Portuguese, San Paulu, Kalinka, 2016
In Japan, "Duet of Iron", Japanese-English, co-authorized with Yoshikazu Takenishi, Japan Universal Poets Association, 2018,.
Address:121467 Moscow, Elninskaya-Str. 14, cor 2, app. 20. Telephone: 141 83 61, 7 926 615 05 55
Email addresses: viacheslavkupriyanov@yandex.ru, | kuprianov@web.de
In Anyone's Tongue - poems, translated from Russian by Francis R. Jones. Dual Text RUSSIAN/ENGLISH
Web sites for his prose and poetry
著作:詩集『First person』", 1981 (モスクワ),『Life goes on』, 1982 (第二次大戦後初めて発表された自由詩)『Homework』, 1986;『Echo』, 1988, 1989;『Poems』 1994; 『THE BEST TIME』, 2003."The dancing Baer", 2010; "Нельзя/Verboten (Verbidden"), poetry, Russian/German, Pop-Verlag, Ludwigsburg, 2012; "Hard Rock", Pop-Verlag, 2014.
散文:『The shoe of Empedokles" (Novel)』, 1996, 2000 (モスクワ), and 短編(SFも含む)雑誌掲載多数。
Mariko Sumikura (Japan)
Poet, essayist, translator. Born in Kyoto (1952), Graduated from Ristumeikan University. Representative of Japan Universal Poets Association, Chief-in-editors of online international journal "Poetic-Bridge: Ama-Hashi".
Main publication: "Kokoro Kaoru Hito"," Yume Tsumugu Hito"," Hikari Oru Hito", "Ai Matou Hito"," Tsuchi daku Masurao".(Chikurinkan) She was invited to several international poetry readings such as the 49th Struga Poetry Readings in 2011, Jan Smrek International Literary Festival in 2012. "Europa in Versi"(Como, Italy) in 2015. Mihai Eminesuc International Poetry Festival (Craiova, Romania) in 2015.
Translation: Contemporary Poetry in-out of Japan, JUNPA BOOKS Series,
Award: "Mina wo Tonaete" ("Uttering Her Name" by Gabriel Rosenstock) won the Translated Irish Literature Award by Ireland Literature Exchange in 2012. The first prize at the festival Pannonian Galeb festival for poetry book translated in Serbian in 2017. Milos Crnjanski Prize in International Literature Festival-Wien 2017, Naji Naaman Literary Prize (Honour) 2018
詩人、エッセイスト、翻訳家。1952年京都生れ。立命館大学文学部卒業。日本国際詩人協会代表。国際詩誌「詩の架け橋:天橋」編集主幹。翻訳: 国内外の現代詩人作品を翻訳。JUNPA BOOKS シリーズを手がける。『御名を唱えて』(原著 Gabriel Rosenstockの"Uttering Her Name")は2012年アイルランド文学交流協会より翻訳出版賞を受賞。『弾丸シュート』(原著Odveig Klyve の"Bullistic"は2019年ノルウェー文学普及協会(NORLA)より翻訳助成を下付される。
主な著書:『心薫る女』『夢紡ぐ女』『光織る女』『愛装ふ女』『地抱く男』(いずれも竹林館)2010年第49回ストルーガ詩祭(ストルーガ、マケドニア)、2011年ヤン・スムレク国際文学祭(ブラティスラヴァ。スロバキア)、2015年コモ詩祭―Europa in Versi―(コモ、イタリア)、2015年ミハイ・エミネスク国際詩祭(クラヨバ、ルーマニア)、2019年プリマ・ヴィスタ国際文学祭に招待参加。