Shaip Emёrllahu (Albania)
響き合う東西詩人:詩的対話「道の二重奏」 シャイプ・エメルラウ&会津太郎
Western-Eastern Poets in Sympathy: Poetic Dialogue "Duet of Roads"
Shaip Emёrllahu & Taro Aizu
Duet of Roads 道の二重奏
Shaip Emёrllahu
two violins of life
were torn to pieces by bullets right in front of us
and we stole their sound
and life
life was beautiful above Tetova
just as God is
He invited me at night to the embrasure
when the sky bloomed with bullet flowers
it gave freedom to the eyes of our people
freedom-eyes we ourselves blinded
Tetova, 15 March 2001
その夜 彼は僕を銃眼に誘った
朝顔形の 銃弾花によって咲く空 。
僕ら自身が盲目にした自由の目 よ
Translation by Mariko Sumikura
Shaip Emërllahu was born in 1962 in the village of Trebosh near Tetova, Macedonia. He completed his Philological Degree of Albanian Language and Literature at Prishtina University in Kosovo. Mr. Emerllahu completed his master degree with the subject "Poetical structural in Azem Shkreli's poetry" in the University of Tirana. He is a proffesor in the Filologic Faculty at the University of Tetova.
Director of the International Poetry Festival "Ditet e Naimit", Tetova, he has worked as a journalist and culture editor for the newspaper "Flaka".
Emërllahu has participated in international and national poetry festivals in Columbia, Ireland, Italia, Tunisia, Poland, Croatia, Romania, Bulgaria, Turkey... He has been awarded with many literary prizes.
著作 (Publication)
He has published the poetry volumes "Pagëzimi i viteve" (Baptism of the Years) in the publishing house "Naim Frashëri", Tirana, 1994, "Projekti i thyer" (Broken Project), Albanian Writers' Association, Skopje, 1997, "Vdekja e paktë" (Little Death) in the edition "Flaka", Skopje, 2001. In 2001, "Akademia Orient - Oksident" in Bucharest, the translator Luan Topçiu published in Albanian and Romanian his poetry book "Vdekja e paktë - Putina moarte". In 2000, he published as a co-author the book about testimonies of the massacres in Kosovo "...edhe ne dëshmojnë / We witness", publishing house "Ditet e Naimit" (in Albanian and English). In 2004, the Croatian PEN and the Croatian Writers' Association published his bilingual Croatian-Albanian book with the title "Poezi". In 2004, the publishing house "Feniks" in Skopje published his book with selected poems "Dvorski son". In 2008 the publishing house "Ditet e Naimit" publishing house "La stanza del poeta - 55" published hos book in Italian "Stracci di vita".
Emërllahu's work has been translated into French, English, Hebrew, Spanish, Arabic, Italian, Korean, Romanian, Polish, Croatian, Macedonian ...
Among authors from 25 countries from all around the World has been included in Anthology "Poets for World Peace", 2011, published by DIOGEN pro culture magazine & DHIRA, Swiss.
シャイプ・エメルラウは1962年にマケドニアテトヴォ市ちかくのトレボッシュ村に生まれる。コソボ市プリシュティナ大学でアルバニア語・アルバニア文学において言語学の学位を得る。ティラナ大学で学位論文「アゼム シュケリの詩における詩的構造」により博士号を取得。テトヴォ大学言語学部教授。
国際詩祭「Ditet e Naimit」の主宰者。「Flaka]新聞の文化欄担当のジャーナリストでもあった。エメルラウはコロンビア、アイルランド、イタリア、チュニジア、ポーランド、クロアチア、ルーマニア、ブルガリア、トルコなどの国際詩祭に参加した。多くの受賞歴がある。作品は多く翻訳されている。フランス語、英語、ヘブライ語、スペイン語、アラビア語、イタリア語、韓国語、ルーマニア語、ポーランド語、クロアチア語、マケドニア語など。
Naim's day 2015
Taro Aizu was awarded as Literary Career Prize from Shaip Emerllau.
Mariko Sumikura (Japan)
Poet, essayist, translator. Born in Kyoto (1952), Graduated from Ristumeikan University. Representative of Japan Universal Poets Association, Chief-in-editors of online international journal "Poetic-Bridge: Ama-Hashi".
Main publication: "Kokoro Kaoru Hito"," Yume Tsumugu Hito"," Hikari Oru Hito", "Ai Matou Hito"," Tsuchi daku Masurao".(Chikurinkan) She was invited to several international poetry readings such as the 49th Struga Poetry Readings in 2011, Jan Smrek International Literary Festival in 2012. "Europa in Versi"(Como, Italy) in 2015. Mihai Eminesuc International Poetry Festival (Craiova, Romania) in 2015.
Translation: Contemporary Poetry in-out of Japan, JUNPA BOOKS Series,
Award: "Mina wo Tonaete" ("Uttering Her Name" by Gabriel Rosenstock) won the Translated Irish Literature Award by Ireland Literature Exchange in 2012. The first prize at the festival Pannonian Galeb festival for poetry book translated in Serbian in 2017. Milos Crnjanski Prize in International Literature Festival-Wien 2017, Naji Naaman Literary Prize (Honour) 2018
詩人、エッセイスト、翻訳家。1952年京都生れ。立命館大学文学部卒業。日本国際詩人協会代表。国際詩誌「詩の架け橋:天橋」編集主幹。翻訳: 国内外の現代詩人作品を翻訳。JUNPA BOOKS シリーズを手がける。『御名を唱えて』(原著 Gabriel Rosenstockの"Uttering Her Name")は2012年アイルランド文学交流協会より翻訳出版賞を受賞。『弾丸シュート』(原著Odveig Klyve の"Bullistic"は2019年ノルウェー文学普及協会(NORLA)より翻訳助成を下付される。
主な著書:『心薫る女』『夢紡ぐ女』『光織る女』『愛装ふ女』『地抱く男』(いずれも竹林館)2010年第49回ストルーガ詩祭(ストルーガ、マケドニア)、2011年ヤン・スムレク国際文学祭(ブラティスラヴァ。スロバキア)、2015年コモ詩祭―Europa in Versi―(コモ、イタリア)、2015年ミハイ・エミネスク国際詩祭(クラヨバ、ルーマニア)、2019年プリマ・ヴィスタ国際文学祭(エストニア)に招待参加。